32 years old and now acne free. Read below to see my acne journey.
Like most people who have acne I tried everything. I thought my face had to have been dirty for me to get so many breakouts, so I washed my face constantly. I used every over the counter acne product on the market. Nothing seemed to work. I then discovered the power of benzyl peroxide and used a popular acne system, Proactive for years. For the most part it cleared my acne, however it was harsh on my skin. My skin was always very dry, red, and peeling due to the strong chemicals found in the product.
Bride to be getting ready for my big day. You can see some of my cystic pimples on my cheek.

Eventually the breakouts was not as serious, but I of course still had the acne. I decided to go the natural route. I tried several natural face products hoping that maybe going back to nature would fix my problem. The natural products were not as harsh as the benzyl peroxide, so I didn't have as much dry skin, inflammation, or flaking. However it didn't cure my acne.

I did much research and I found that diet is one of the biggest culprits to acne. I did some reflection on my own diet. I didn't really have a bad diet. I ate whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, so I wasn't sure if what I was reading was true. Well I decided it never hurts to try. So I tried changing my diet by removing certain food items from my diet to see how my skin reacted. Some of the food items that I found made me breakout were food items that has been considered "healthy" foods, but for some reason, my body does not do well with them and so caused my breakouts. The change didn't happen overnight and it took a few weeks to actually to start seeing a change. It took some time to determine which foods caused my acne. But once I found the food items I cured my acne completely. I no longer have cystic acne, pimples, or black heads. I do not use any medications. the face products I use on my face ore basic face soaps with no added ingredients for acne.
My family and friends are shocked at my transformation. I struggled with acne for over 20 years, with the last few years being the worst with the cystic acne. And I was able to cure my acne with just changing my diet.
If you have acne, you too can cure your acne. I am available to help you with your journey. It is a complicated road and a puzzle determining which foods cause your acne. But I assure you it is a road that can be conquered if you are determined. If you would like me to help you, please visit my website at www.stacieellisrdn.com. No one should have to live with acne. And you can get pass this, one bite at a time.